Thursday 9 July 2009

Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day Four

On the fourth day our government will conspire

What a day in the world of Torchwood. The best yet, maybe i am still not sure but it was amazing. I think that the stand out best scene for me was the final scence of the episode. But before that the scene where Lois reveals everything about Torchwood to the government is brilliant. So the 456 has set their ransom and they are not budging. 10% of the children of earth. The government have decided that they will take the dumbest kids and give them to an evil alien that seems to make kids live forever, but at what cost to them. The death of Clem was really sad and quite discusting with all of the blood coming out of his eye's, nose and everywhere else.
The whole episode was not as action filled but definatly tension filled and exciting. I have a hunch that Johnson may join the Torchwood team for the nest series if there is one. I loved the part of the episode when Gwen was waiting for the goverment team to turn up.
The whole death of the people in the floor 13 building was very said and disturbing. The whole series has been a great acalaide to Russell T Davis as it has been expertly written and panned.
Obviously the scene i was refering to earlier was the scene where Ianto died. The acting was brilliant, the emotion was raw and i actually nearly cried. I never cry at Tv.
So how will they wrap up the epic story that they have set up over the last week in one final day of war. We will find out tomorrow night,

See Ya,


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