Saturday 11 July 2009

The Journeys Of Captain Jack Harkness

So Captain jack has left little old Earth and headed for the stars again. At the end of Series 1 he left with the doctor to travel to the end of the universe and battle the master in the year that never was. For nearly 200 years Jack has lived several lifetimes on this planet. He joined Torchwood and waited fro the doctor to arrive. But while waiting he met his team and in them he found a reason to stay here on Earth.

So now, 6 months after the terror of the 456 he decided that he has caused to much death on this planet, to many memories so he left. He sent a signal to get a teleport to a ship on the edge of the solar system. He lost Tosh by the hands of his brother, Owen got trapped inside a nuclear power station, he lost Owen after he made an ultimatum he couldn't live up to and then he had to sacrifice his grandson for the greater good.

So Captain Jack Harkness has left this planet but will he return. He is written into the Doctor Who christmas special so i guess he will return to Earth for that but will he stay and meet back up with Gwen.


Unknown said...

do you think when he met with Gwen on the hill the "Christmas special" had already occurred 4 Capt Jack. '6 months later' would mean Jan 2010.How would jack know about a cold fusion cruiser unless he had been traveling the stars with the Doctor.

Deano858 said...

True. So that is after the xmas special. I didnt think about that

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