Monday 20 July 2009

The New Doctor, Amy Pond and River Song. Oh and a new look TARDIS

Hello again,
Now today is the first day of filming on Doctor Who series 5. Or series 1 depending on what you want to call it. And of course the BBC have decided to reveal a picture of the new doctor before the newspapers do. So here is the Eleventh doctor and Amy Pond, his new companion.

A Close up of the new duo (Left-Right:Karren Gillan and Matt Smith)
The whole photo of the pair

So there you have it. the doctor and his companion. The doctors new look, do you like it? I do. I think that this look is perfect for Matt. He is a very young actor and by giving him these 'teacher like' clothes i think it does show the doctors age to some extent.

The next new is about his companion. As i metioned earlier her name is Amy Pond and that is about it. We have no more infomation of her. We know that she is going to speak with a scottish accent so i guess she is human. But we will have to wait and find out more as it happens.

Next, remeber proffesor River Song form series 4. Personally i think she was the best character in the series simply because of her mystery and her knowing that even exceeds the doctors. Well as guessed by many fans, she is back. She has ditched that white spaceman suit. (We really she hasn't acually wore it yet) She is now wearing a long dress.

The doctor and River Song River Song on set (Alex Kingston)

The last peice of news but news that is just as important as the character news is about the TARDIS. it has changed. Only a little bit but it has changed.

Matt Smith outside the new look TARDIS

See, the colour looks brighter and the windows have changed. There is also a strange circle on the front of the box that has not been there before. hmmm

Anyway. I will post on all the set news and photos i find out so,

See Ya,


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