Friday 21 August 2009

The Ninth doctor's past is nearly as much of a mystery of the Eighth doctor's death. We know that he had to end the time war and kill all of his people and the daleks. This fact is a strong force during the ninth doctor's life, he is still carrying the weight of the time war and is greiving the lost of his home. He is closed off and doesn't want any companionship at all until he meets a girl from London, Rose Tyler. During his time with Rose they meet a surviving Dalek which the doctor decides to sjhow mercy as it dies, all alone in the world. The doctor saves Earth from breaking out into World War Three and then saves the world again from the Mighty Jagrafess but in doing so he becomes part of the long games. Throughout his time with Rose his path was beng trailed by the words Bad Wolf and at the end of his life, when battling a Dalek empire headed by the emporer he realises the rue meaning of the words. Rose is the bad wolf. He finnaly dies saving her. Before he begins to regenerate the doctor lets go of his burdens and sadness about the time war, he doesn't forget but he lets himself move on. Then a golden glow engulfs him and he becomes the tenth doctor.

But what about Rose's time with the Ninth Doctor? Next Week- Rose Tyler


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