Or have a missed something? Comment your ideas
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
How Could Rose Fit Into The Waters Of Mars?
Posted by Deano858 at 17:34 Labels: The Waters Of Mars 0 comments
After the pictures i posted yesterday i have been thinking how Rose could fit into The Waters Of Mars. As we know that 'Pete's World' where Rose and the metacrisis doctor are living runs slighly ahead of our wolrd. So my theory is that Rose is sending the 10th doctor a warning about the masters return much like she did when the stars were going out. Perhaps she can see the effects of his takeover in her world but without knowing what is causing it. Rose may be trying to send a video message to the doctor because she cannot travel to his world herself. So does this make sense?
Rose in The Waters Of Mars?
Posted by Deano858 at 17:04 Labels: Rose, The Waters Of Mars 0 comments
I have been hearing about the rumour that Rose has been spotted in The recent Waters Of Mars trailer but until now i haven't seen any images of the still. I watched the video and could see the woman but not for long enough to see if it looks like Rose. But now, thanks tohttp://lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot.com/, this image is from his site but it is from the trailer.
So what do you think. You can definatley see that it is a blonde woman holding what looks like a baby. Also she looks as if she is looking into a webcam or some sort of camera. Could this be Rose? But how can she be what would seem to be sending this message to another universe. Is she warning the doctor about the masters return? Who is the baby. We know that Rose now has a baby brother called Tony in 'Pete's World' but is this him or is this Rose's child with the metacrisis doctor?
What do you think? Rose? Tony? And how will this fit into the story of The Waters Of Mars?
See Ya,
Lucy Saxon?
Posted by Deano858 at 12:32 Labels: Harriet Jones, Lucy Saxon, The End Of Time 0 commentsMonday, 27 July 2009
The New Waters Of Mars Trailer
Posted by Deano858 at 16:55 Labels: The Waters Of Mars 3 commentsSo, another new trailer. I am just starting to make screencaps so sorry if they aren't great.
Once upon a time in a base on mars,
The Mars Team
The Water Monster
A great Doctor image
Now, the best parts of this new trailer ore the two little speeches the doctor makes. The first is when he is talking to Adelaide.
The Doctor: Certain moments in time are fixed, everything else is in flux, anything can happen. But those certain moments they have to happen. This base on Mars, what happens here must always happen
Adelaide: Which is what?
I am think the same as Adelaide at the moment and i can't wait to find out.
The next speech is the one that gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it is this.
The Doctor: They said I was going to die. They said he will knock four times and i think i know what that means and it doesn't mean right here, right now. Cause i don't her any knocking. Do you?
*4 loud strikes hit the metal walls of the rooms*
Just brilliant. But the doctor says 'They' told him he was going to die. Who is they?
After this trailer i am now really excited for The Waters Of Mars.
As you may have seen the title of the blog has changed. This is because it is getting a new name with a banner very soon and the blog will the be kept under the new name.
See Ya,
Posted by Deano858 at 16:14 Labels: Doctor Who, Donna Noble, Harriet Jones, Ood, The End Of Time 0 commentsOk, Doctor Who at Comic Con
Posted by Deano858 at 14:43 Labels: Comic Con, David Tennant, Doctor Who, Donna Noble, The End Of Time, The Waters Of Mars, Wilfred Mott 0 comments
Woah. This morning i woke up to a load of news from the comic con event yesterday. Ok so the main point id that they showed a very short teaser trailer of the christmas special, "The End Of Time".
Here it is: (Not great quality but best i can find)
As well as revealing the name of the episode it also certified some rumours that have been going around the internet. Firstly, Catherine Tate is back as Donna Noble along wither her mother and grandfather, Wifred Mot. Also in the video it confirmed what was widely taken as fact, that the master, in the form of John Simm (But with blond hair) is back for the final adventure for the 10th doctor. His only line in the trailer is, "My name, is the master". But what a great line. In the last seconds of the trailer we see, Ood Sigam with his red eyes glowing. But are all these people really back or are some of them dreams? At the start of the trailer a voice says, "It is said in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams". Ohhhh spooky.
Also revealed at Comic Con is that David Tennant is not planning on being in a Doctor Who Movie but did joke that he would make an appearance in a 50th anniversary special in, 2013. Bit of a wait though!
So That is Comic Con in one post. But another trailer has been released today on www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho. A Water Of Mars Trailer. More on that later,
See Ya
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Lots Of News
Posted by Deano858 at 15:44 Labels: Comic Con, Doctor Who, Lost, Torchwood 1 commentsSo, today i have a lot of news to talk to you about.
1) After watching the trailer for the new Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland, i cannot wait to see it. It looks really good and a twist on the original story
2)The next thing is Comic Con. I have been watching and reading the coverage from it. I really enjoyed the last Lost comic con appearance and they did answer some questions properly and revealed some returning characters who are coming back in season 6. The next Comic Con event that i am waiting for is from Doctor Who and Torchwood, what will they reveal?
3)So are Doctor Who going to announce the 3rd secret project that David Tennant will star in as the doctor? A movie? A multi doctor story?
4)In Doctor Who Magazine Russel T Davis said "What is the secret of the silver cloak?" when discussing the Tv Listing for the first episode of the christmas specials. So what is the secret or is this a red herring?
5)Finnaly i come back to the show i was obsessed and gripped to for a week, Torchwood. BBC America have announced the the BBC are picking up Torchwood for a 4th series. I am very happy and intriuged to what will happen in this fourth series?
So thats all my news,
See Ya,
P.S - I just wanted a picture and as i had news, i though that fireworks were fitting?
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
The Crash Of The Byzantium- Filming 21/07/09
Posted by Deano858 at 17:27 Labels: Alex Kingston, Doctor Who, Matt Smith, River Song, The Doctor 0 comments
So today i have got some of the photos from the filming today. First of all we see that RiverSong has gone from her long black dress into some army clothes.
RiverSong in her army gear with the 11th doctor
But she isn't alone. More Soldiers are around.
But if you look at the picture of RiverSong with the doctor, she is handcuffed. What has she done?
Below you will see a picture of the 11th doctor walking on set today.
But if you at the peice of metal behind him you can clearly see a word written on it
Thats right, it says Byzantium.
In Silence In The LibaryRiverSong asks the 10th doctor if they had done the crash of the Byzantium. So is this there first meeting or not?
Pictures are thanks to http://lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
The Waters Of Mars
Posted by Deano858 at 00:15 Labels: Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, The Waters Of Mars 0 commentsMonday, 20 July 2009
____________ Of the day
Posted by Deano858 at 22:16 Labels: Doctor Who 0 comments
I want to do a (Something) of the day. but i need some more ideas. I have thought about Quotes, Characters and episodes from the whoniverse but can you think of anymore? Thanks.
The New Doctor, Amy Pond and River Song. Oh and a new look TARDIS
Posted by Deano858 at 17:21 Labels: Alex Kingston, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, Karren Gillan, Matt Smith, River Song, TARDIS, The Doctor 0 comments
Hello again,
Now today is the first day of filming on Doctor Who series 5. Or series 1 depending on what you want to call it. And of course the BBC have decided to reveal a picture of the new doctor before the newspapers do. So here is the Eleventh doctor and Amy Pond, his new companion.
A Close up of the new duo (Left-Right:Karren Gillan and Matt Smith)
The whole photo of the pair
So there you have it. the doctor and his companion. The doctors new look, do you like it? I do. I think that this look is perfect for Matt. He is a very young actor and by giving him these 'teacher like' clothes i think it does show the doctors age to some extent.
The next new is about his companion. As i metioned earlier her name is Amy Pond and that is about it. We have no more infomation of her. We know that she is going to speak with a scottish accent so i guess she is human. But we will have to wait and find out more as it happens.
Next, remeber proffesor River Song form series 4. Personally i think she was the best character in the series simply because of her mystery and her knowing that even exceeds the doctors. Well as guessed by many fans, she is back. She has ditched that white spaceman suit. (We really she hasn't acually wore it yet) She is now wearing a long dress.
The doctor and River Song River Song on set (Alex Kingston)
The last peice of news but news that is just as important as the character news is about the TARDIS. it has changed. Only a little bit but it has changed.
Matt Smith outside the new look TARDIS
See, the colour looks brighter and the windows have changed. There is also a strange circle on the front of the box that has not been there before. hmmm
Anyway. I will post on all the set news and photos i find out so,
See Ya,
Thank you to http://lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot.com/ For pictures
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
New Followers
Posted by Deano858 at 23:23 2 comments
To my new followers. What are you all into, what kind of things do you like? So leave me a comment and i'll see what i can do.
See Ya,
Saturday, 11 July 2009
The Journeys Of Captain Jack Harkness
Posted by Deano858 at 00:17 Labels: Doctor Who, Torchwood 2 comments
So Captain jack has left little old Earth and headed for the stars again. At the end of Series 1 he left with the doctor to travel to the end of the universe and battle the master in the year that never was. For nearly 200 years Jack has lived several lifetimes on this planet. He joined Torchwood and waited fro the doctor to arrive. But while waiting he met his team and in them he found a reason to stay here on Earth.
So now, 6 months after the terror of the 456 he decided that he has caused to much death on this planet, to many memories so he left. He sent a signal to get a teleport to a ship on the edge of the solar system. He lost Tosh by the hands of his brother, Owen got trapped inside a nuclear power station, he lost Owen after he made an ultimatum he couldn't live up to and then he had to sacrifice his grandson for the greater good.
So Captain Jack Harkness has left this planet but will he return. He is written into the Doctor Who christmas special so i guess he will return to Earth for that but will he stay and meet back up with Gwen.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day Five
Posted by Deano858 at 23:29 Labels: Torchwood 0 commentsOn the fifth day the world will be at war
What an end to an amazing week of television. The whole series was a credit to everyone who was in it or helped to make it. I have a list of things i want to talk about, some of them in this post and some in posts over the next 24 hours.
Gwen and Rhys have really became better characters over the week. I think all of this growth was epitimised in their attempt to rescue the children from the government. Gwen has changed into an action heroin and i think i really suits her character. How she didn't lose her baby during this week is a shock to me. In the same scene i think that PC Andy was great. Although he was underused in this series he was brilliant in this last episode.
Two other characters that for me in this episode excelled were agent Johnson and Spears (I forget her first name). Johnson was such a great character anyway but she was on the wrong side, a side she didn't understand. When she changed to help Captain jack it was a great turn for the character. Spears' final relalation that she had filmed the later scenes in the board room was great. The look on the primeministers face was a picture. Although i doubt the new woman who has been hinted as the new PM will be any better than him.
The plan to kill the 456 was better than i expected. Usually, RTD's ending's are ver quick and anti-climatic but this was a great ending. The first idea of 'reversing the polarity' was a bit of a let down but then it brought in the purpose of Clem's character throughout the week into the frame. The final nail in the coffin for the plan was the introduction of Steven and Alice. From the start of the week he and Alice had been introduced slowly for one purpose for Steven to die. It seems as if the relationship between Alice and Jack seems to be over for the forseeable future. I felt so sorry for jack when he lost Ianto and when he lost his gradson as we know that he has been through so much pain. All of this pain culminated on Jack after 6 months in the last scene of the week where jack leaves and runs away, again.
Pregnant Gwen looked very strange and the humour that her and Rhys showed at the end was great.
Are the 456 gone forever? Couldn't they come back in say 10 years after they have found a way of blocking the signal that Jack used to get rid of them. The 456 was not killed it simply ran away so will it be back? We will see.
I have more things to say and they will be posted tonight or tomorrow morning, they are:
The Future of Torchwood
The Journeys of Captain Jack
See Ya,
What is the 456?
Posted by Deano858 at 00:06 Labels: Torchwood 0 comments
So after 4 days and 4 brilliant episode we are left with just one hour to explain all of our questions. Most of these questions are about the illusive and evil 456. But what is the 456 and what does it want with the children of earth.
We know that the 456 get their name from the frequency that they 'broadcast' on. Using this 456 frequency they can transmit detailed inscructions such as a large tank filled with poison and a room from which they can shut down an entire building.
But what do they look like. Well the best image so far of the 456 ith the least poison gas is this:
So they have what looks like three heads and we know that they like to be sick all over to glass of the poison filled chamber. but when the camera man went inside he saw this:
So the children are some how wired up to the 456, but for what. To help them survive. But the children do not seem to age and are not dead.
So what really is the 456. It wants children but what for. It is sick on the glass, why? It has returned to this planet after 30 years. It has gone from needing 12 children to needing 10% of the children of earth.
We will find out tonight at 9pm, Day 5.
the fith day the world will be at war.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day Four
Posted by Deano858 at 22:54 Labels: Torchwood 0 commentsOn the fourth day our government will conspire
What a day in the world of Torchwood. The best yet, maybe i am still not sure but it was amazing. I think that the stand out best scene for me was the final scence of the episode. But before that the scene where Lois reveals everything about Torchwood to the government is brilliant. So the 456 has set their ransom and they are not budging. 10% of the children of earth. The government have decided that they will take the dumbest kids and give them to an evil alien that seems to make kids live forever, but at what cost to them. The death of Clem was really sad and quite discusting with all of the blood coming out of his eye's, nose and everywhere else.
The whole episode was not as action filled but definatly tension filled and exciting. I have a hunch that Johnson may join the Torchwood team for the nest series if there is one. I loved the part of the episode when Gwen was waiting for the goverment team to turn up.
The whole death of the people in the floor 13 building was very said and disturbing. The whole series has been a great acalaide to Russell T Davis as it has been expertly written and panned.
Obviously the scene i was refering to earlier was the scene where Ianto died. The acting was brilliant, the emotion was raw and i actually nearly cried. I never cry at Tv.
So how will they wrap up the epic story that they have set up over the last week in one final day of war. We will find out tomorrow night,
See Ya,
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day Three
Posted by Deano858 at 22:33 Labels: Torchwood 0 commentsOn the third day the sky will burn
On the third day alot of things happened. I think that the 456 will be revealed more and more as the final two episodes go on. At the start of the episode tonight i did not think that the 'man' that Clem was talking about was Captain Jack. I thought that the 'man' would have been the guy who was breathing on the glass at the end of day two.
The new 'hub' that has been set up in the ex torchwood hanger is great. The whole sequence where the new team became criminals and stole all manner of things including two cars, laptops and then Ianto went and found identical clothes to what jack had before.
I hope that Alica will take a larger role in the final two days of this week as i think hat she will grow into a great character.
Tomorrow is going to be a great episode so i am now going to watch daye three again so,
see ya,
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day Two
Posted by Deano858 at 22:26 Labels: Torchwood 0 commentsOn the second day our defences will fall
Today, instead of just making up this post as i go along i actually made notes while i was watching tonights episode. Ok then lets start. Tonights episode was a very Gwen, Rhys and Habbiba centric episode. The first thing i liked about this episode is that we got to see that amazing explosion again and the aftermath of the explosion including Jack. I was really excited wehn i saw them building the cell for the 456 as i got to see that when i visited the doctor who and Torchwood studios.
I think that the scene with Ianto's brother-in-law in bed when the secret service broke into Ianto's sisters house was really funny and clever.
I think that the regrowth of Jack was done very well except it seemed to be pretty obvious as the episode went on.
The character of Habbiba really grew during this episode i hope that she will take a larger role in the team during this week and if a series 4 is made i hope that she will be present in it.
The final scene inside floor 13 with the grey haired man (forgot his name) breathing on the glass seemed to know that he knows more than we think.
More fun in Day Three!
See ya,
Monday, 6 July 2009
Torchwood: Children Of Earth- Day One
Posted by Deano858 at 22:03 Labels: Torchwood 0 commentsOn the first day it starts ..... When our children stop
What a brilliant opening to the series! The whole episode had me gripped from start to finish. I love the new dynamic that has came into place with only three members of the team left. The 'couple', Jack and Ianto and the wonderfull Gwen. The strat of the episode set the eerie and spooky theme that will no doubt fill the series. It seems that the Hub is now actually blown up and i doubt we will see it again this week. I really wanted that doctor (Can't spell his name) to be a good guy but o well. I hope and expect that we will see more of Rhys during the next week.
My favorite scene from tonight was a bit of a emotional one but it was great. The scene when jack was talking to his daughter was really good and well acted.
So what will happen on day two?
Anyway, i am really tired so i'm going to bed.
See Ya, Goodnight,
Torchwood: Children Of Earth (Tonight 9.00 Pm- BBC One)
Posted by Deano858 at 18:18 0 commentsTorchwood: Children Of Earth
BBC One: Tonight 9pm
See my review at 10pm after the episode end on BBC One
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